Venus & Feline (Finished)

Hey, it's you again. Welcome back to Briana Carter's weekly blog. This week's newest addition is a piece called 'Venus & Feline'. This week I've made another painting out of acyrillic paints. The painting was quite simple, I first had to find and then sand new wooden canvas, then I outlined the piece with pencil then I painted the outline and added details. 
Something that went really well for me in this piece was mixing the primary and secondary colors to get the new vibrant colors I have in the piece. I really like how the outline came out, it sort of came out how I imagined in my head but with less details. I also admire my weird creativity in this piece, I've gotten asked, "Why an alien and a cat?" Well because I was thinking of my cat, Tyson, and I pictured my weird self holding him.
A part in this piece that I struggled with was putting my mind onto the canvas, to visualize what I was thinking. Trying to show others what you are thinking is a major struggle for me because I have a very different mind. But thankfully I was able to put my thoughts onto my canvas this week. 
I think I did well this week. I came into class and hot straight to work, even when I was upset I still stayed on task. I wasn't distracted by others or my phone during the period. I picked an okay project for this week, it wasn't extremely challenging but I definitely struggled through some points of this piece. 


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