
Showing posts from December, 2017

Black Girls (unfinished)

Good morning or good afternoon or good night, whatever time y'all are reading this week's blog. Welcome back, don't forget to subscribe to my blog posts so you can keep up on the newest and coolest art pieces at Excel High. Anyways, this week I decided to focus on the beauty of being a black woman, as myself. In the picture below, I've sketched out from GOOGLE, 3 photos of what I do on a daily basis. I got a white piece of paper, a pencil, and this piece of equipment that allows you to reflect what's on the computer screen to the table. I plan on adding color to it, with color pencils and simply shading it in.  Something about this project that went really well this week was being able to quickly find my images and sketch them onto the piece of paper. I don't usually copy other people's work but this week I needed a little inspiration. I also enjoyed using that new piece of technology that Room 13 provided for us, I never seen such thing. One part o

Chalk Tingz (finished)

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog. This is a very late blog post because my instructor of Room 13 was not clear at all what she wanted us to do while she was absent for the past couple days... BUT ANYWAYS, I don't really feel that well today so I'm going to keep this post very short and straight to the point. This week I've created two chalk pieces. I wanted to use a new medium so chalk stuck out to me. I used black paper instead of regular printer paper so we could see the bright chalk color. I simply rubbed the chalk on it's side so I could get a nice vibrant color. Something that went really well this week was being able to outline my fruit in both pieces with chalk instead of pencil. You can see in the apple piece (left) the apple really stands out, from the apple itself to the leaf hanging onto the stem. I really liked using the chalk because it was easy to apply and blend in with my fingers/hands. One part of this week's pieces that was a struggle was

Sunsets Everywhere (Finished)

 Hey party people, welcome back to my fabulous blog. We are now in week 8, and this week I've decided to focus on something relaxing again like last week with the flowers. BUT INSTEAD WITH SUNSETS. In all three of the pieces, I’ve used crayons to get a wax-y look for sunsets. I simply rubbed the sides of the crayon to get the pattern and color. I used regular printer paper for my masterpieces. Something that went really well during these was finding the perfect shades of crayons to use. I really like how they came out the way I pictured them in my head and I’m proud of myself. I would definitely do more crayon pieces in the future, so stay tuned. One part of these pieces that was a struggle was definitely blending the crayon colors with the others. The pieces look like the colors are separated instead of blending together to give that sky look. I just because wax doesn’t really blend the way paint or another medium would’ve. I believe I did really well in class this week. I c