
Showing posts from February, 2018

Portraits of Southie Kids

Hello my amazing viewers, sorry I was extremely sick and haven't been updating my blog for y'all but I'M BACKS GUYS!!! This week I decided to take photos of some of my pals at Excel High School, with their permission of course. I would come into their class and either have them pose or act like they was doing something. I was able to take the pictures of one of the Nixon cameras that my instructor, Amy provided for me. I wasn't able to edit them yet because I'm not that professional yet. Something that went really well in this project was being able to take multiple photos with and without flash. I liked how some of the pictures came out and so did my test subjects. I also liked how I was able to zoom and focus on the camera to get a more closer and accurate photo. One part of this project that was a struggle was trying to take pictures of moving objects. I tried using the sports frame but it had the photos come out so unclear. Also, at times I struggled to get