Women > Man

Hello, welcome back to my blog. It is now week 4 and this week we have an unfinished piece created by yours truly, aka me. This week I've created a piece called "Women > Man", this piece is all about women empowerment and being more predominant. I just started this piece on thursday because this week has been very conflicted with a bunch of things.  So, it should be finished around next week. This piece is supposed to be a painting, as usual lol, but so far its just an outline of my female and a smaller male. I first found a wooden canvas, used the saw to cut the perfect piece, then I sanded the edges to make the sides more smoother unlike my other paintings. After finding the perfect piece, I then began to sketch out a rough outline of what I wanted to portray.

Even though I only worked on this project for a day, I would say sanding the edges and corners went really well. I never used that machine before but I learned Thursday and I think I'll use it from now on. It made such a difference because the canvas is so much softer and not rough and prickly. Even though I just realized the female is shaped like a pear, I like the no face concept I did with the female, and I don't know why. 

Surprisingly, the only part of this piece I struggled with was drawing the male. I realized that I never drawn a male body before so I struggled big time. I had to ask for advice from a fellow classmate on how to even attempt drawing a male body because my first attempt was a box with a head and a penis.

Even though we barely had class this week but the day we had class I believe I was great in class. I came in and got straight to work. I stayed focused for majority of the time, may have gotten a snapchat or two and checked my phone. I got distracted once or twice off my phone. I picked an okay project, had a few challenges and it is just the beginning.


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