Art Analysis (11/8/17) 1

The Birth Of Venus
Made By Sandro Botticelli

The title of this beautiful painting is “The Birth of Venus”. The artist that produced this work goes by the name Sandro Botticelli.
The artist was born in Florence, Republic of Florence, also know today as Italy. The artist died in 1510.He has been producing artwork since the 1470s though probably earlier than that because some of his artwork was not dated. Some of his other artwork that is also known are the pieces, “Primavera” and “The Adoration of the Magi”. His artwork represents the Early Renaissance Age.

The painting is installed at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. People can still visit Italy and go to the gallery to see the painting. The painting has not been displayed in more than one place that we know of. It is a visual piece of art. The painting was made on a panel canvas, which has cheap support and was painted with a variety different pigments.

The theme of this artwork is imagination, in the painting I see a beautiful woman standing on a shell, with a couple to her left which are flying, and a woman to her right stroking her hair.

The painting expresses the theme of imagination well and clear because in real life we don’t see beautiful women standing on life size shells with people flying amongst them. I believe the theme was conveyed perfectly and doesn’t need to be further explained.

I can connect the theme of imagination in this painting to the thoughts in my own life. Everyday I experience in connection to the theme by simply imagining what is it like to be beautiful like drop dead gorgeous. Also, sometimes I wish I could fly. The painting does not represent my experiences accurately because it’s very rare I have those thoughts, even though I do imagine other things. Other connections I can make between the theme of the painting and in my life is simply trying to drift away from the real life into my imagination like the artist shows through this painting.


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