
Welcome back Briana the Barbie's weekly blog, I know it's been a long while since I've posted about one of my beautiful creations but now I am back at it and no more waiting. This week I've started a piece of a garden of flowers. I chose flowers simply because I love flowers and when I'm mad they calm me down. First, I picked out of wooden canvas and used a brand new saw that Room 13 got. Once I got the perfect size, I picked up a pencil and started to sketch all sizes and types of flowers. 

Something about this project that went really well was using the new saw. I definitely liked the new saw better instead of the old saw because it was way more easier to use. And I didn't need my teacher's, Amy, help that much.

One part of the project that was a struggle was drawing different types of flowers. I only know how to sketch tulips and the little white garnish flowers that they be putting on the corsage for girls for prom. Also, I would say making the flowers all different sizes was a struggle because some overlapped others. 

I think I personally did well this week, even though I've been extremely fatigued. I cam to class and got straight to my work even though it took a little while. I was barely distracted by others or my phone, I got everything I said I was gonna do done in the period. I believe I picked an okay project to do but I really like flowers so it challenged me to perfect the piece. 


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